Wednesday, May 16, 2012

News Brief

The Facts: Travis Logan, senior, first-place winner in visual merchandising at district DECA competition held at Union College two weeks ago. As winner will go to state contest in April. Says "My goal is taking first at state so I qualify for nations in Florida." Other Byrnehurst winners: Dee Contreras, junior, second in written test; Duncan Pfieffer, honorable mention in role play.

Who: Travis Logan
What: wins in visual merchandising at district DECA competition
When: two weeks ago
Where: Union College
Why: to become a national qualifier in Florida
How: by taking first place in state contest held in April

Immediate Identification:
Travis Logan, a senior, takes first place in visual merchandising at district DECA competition two weeks ago at Union College. Travis aims for national qualifier at Florida by winning first place in state contest held in April.

Delayed Identification:
The first place winner in visual merchandising at district DECA competition will be continuing state contest in April. Travis Logan hopes to  reach national qualifier level in Florida after state contest.

Multiple Elements:
Travis Logan, senior, first place winner in visual merchandising, Dee Contreras, junior, second in written test; Duncan Pfieffer, honorable mention in role play compete two weeks ago at district DECA. Meanwhile Logan will go for state contest in April.

Two weeks ago in district DECA competition, Travis Logan, senior, takes first place in visual merchandising. Although he won, his trip for his goal is still long way "My goal is taking first at state so I qualify for nations in Florida." He still has about four more competition up to go. After the state competition held in April, he has national qualifier to take care of. National qualifier has two to three competition that lets you pass, and then Florida there he goes. Will his skill match his goal? We will see and be there next to our Byrnehurst Representative.
Not only Travis made name in our district two weeks ago. Other Byrnehurst winners in this competition such as; Dee Contreras, junior, second in written test; Duncan Pfieffer, honorable mention in role play.

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