Monday, November 21, 2011

Ethics in Fashion Photography

1. List the changes that were made to the model's face in the computer. (Look carefully)

They made the model's lip larger, neck longer, bigger eyes, slender neck, change her head shape to have more "beauty" on it, change the shading of the facial color to make it more warm and perfect to the audience.

2. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like this in a photo? Why or why not?

Whats ethical become questions when we change our own appearance with make up. It certainly doesn't look right to change someone's appearance using "Adobe Photoshop" but why is it ethical to change our own appearance with make up and plastic surgery? The answer can be yes or no to me, and perhaps other people. Unless we change our view of hypocrisy, whats ethical and unethical can always be questioned or thrown back at our faces.

3. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?

I believe that it is very wrong to make and shape what is beauty or not. What goes beyond the line is changing facial shape, maybe it is something that we really never did in our history. We had face painting for festival, tribal use, and other things but to cross beyond the line of bone shaping is painful. That's whats unethical about it, because we think of pain when a form of changing bone is present.

4. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?

I'm not really sure what's okay or not because our personality and ethics shaped with the environment itself and in our current situation, people have change us see the world in their eyes. Perhaps jealousy towards beauty of warm shape, color or size drives us into writing in our fact of whats ethical and what is not. That's why I don't think any of these is ethical because it drives my emotion. I don't like to be manipulated with my desires of what is see, but we eventually do it ourselves--change ourselves.

5. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.

Fashion photography is where we apply changes to people; to make a fashion or a beauty, but I don't think we have any limits to change. I saw a TV program of how they manipulated picture of models to drive jealousy out as a form of advertisement. Photojournalism have limits, i can tell by the stories I read, from previous blog I had to do. There is consequences to changes, its the idea of journalism; that we cannot lie about the event or story. Even though journalism can be a form of opinion, the form of it have to at least stay near the line of fact.

6. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does
this affect the ethical practice of each?

As what I said previously, that fashion photography doesn't have limit because its supposed to show us the form of perfection that we desire and strive for. Fashion photography is a form of advertisement and so it has bigger range of what opinion can be said than journalism. Photojournalism is what we have to stick to fact and truth, the photos is a view of the "that one present moment", and we shape our opinion in a form of journalism around the photos, the backup or the fact, to guess and state one of the possible event that may be occurring. Therefore, photojournalism is more into the reality side of the coin, while fashion photography is our fantasies and so our ethical practice is questioned more in photojournalism than fashion photography.

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