Monday, January 30, 2012

Yearbook Introduction

School name: Alamo Heights High School

School location, exact location: 6900 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209

School size: Not shown

How many pages is the book? 344+

How many sections are in the book? 7

List the sections in the book. Student Life, Academics, Organizations, Sports, Individuals, Senior Ads, Index

What sports are played at that school? Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Water Polo, Tennis, Swimming, Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Baseball, Track, Golf, Band, Jazz Dance, Cheerleader.

Give me a list of some of the clubs a student could join at that school? Choir, Sinfonetta, Student Council, JROTC, NHS, Spanish NHS, Mu Aplha Theta, Los Amigos, AFS, French Club, Latin Club, Missions Club, Destination Imagination, Library Club, FCCLA, TWA, Young Democrats, Young Republicans, Xtreme Heights, Guitar Club, Drama Club, Aikido Club, Ultimate Frisbee Organization, Paintball, Engineering, Book Club, Robotics Team, Special Olympics, Random Acst of Kindness, Quill and Scroll, Environmental Club, Create a Home, World Affairs, Hunger Awareness, Debate Team, CAUSE, Interact, Photojournalism, Hoof Print, Olmos.

What are the school colors? Blue, White, and Red

What is the theme of the book? a Face in the crowd

What thematic elements are present throughout the book? emotions, memories, faces.

How many years has the book been published? 72 years

Who is the editor-in-chief of the book? Katherine Kingman and Jennifer McCaleb

Who is the advisor? Katie Brewer and Abby Davis

What  is your favorite spread in the book? popular TV episode spread.

What do you like about this book? The informations and the book cover.

What would you change if you were working on that book? Some of the spread, it doesn't match while being next to each other using different theme colors.

Would you like to go to that school? Yes i would like to go to their school.

Why would you or would you not like to go to that school? It seems very fun, they have good clubs and sports.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Early magazine covers are models after book covers, providing title, publication dates, decorative illustration that can be symbolic, and no content description. This type of magazine sometimes may not have a cover at all to show the content of the inside. The no-cover idea bring about the question if magazines for the next century should have a cover lines.

The poster cover was based from the Art Norveau movement of crafting artistic posters, in which graphic design and excellent photographs dominate the whole cover. The poster cover isn't just called poster cover because of the graphic design and photographs, but the size of these cover is big enough to be hung on the wall like a poster. The photographs presented on the cover is not related to the content at all, it just convey a season or general mood.

Pictures married to text usually consist of a photograph with it's background written across by content description while the main subject of the photo pops out. Cover lines are strong, large, loud, colorful that compete with other magazines. These types of poster is still being used today and very competitive. The mood or the tone of the color describe the magazine as a whole.

In the forest of words' magazine cover history started by the magazine Mademoiselle and it has evolve in many creative ways but the general movement of the magazine cover path is now based on artistic poster cover that shows the intense photography with a large number of vivid cover lines. The large vivid cover line itself may be bigger in size than the magazine's name and usually overlaps the subject of cover photography.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Akins,Happy,Building Photoshop


I picked this photo because of the rules that's in it, also because of the good lightning. When someone tells me to use a photo of building, I think of using the repetition pattern that makes leading line on portable areas.


 This is the only picture that represents happy at the time i took. Whenever i had to crop it, I noticed the shadow from hallway lightning itself had already crop the photo and i didn't want to ruin the magic by not cropping it this way. This is one of my friend that I met by hallway, so I asked her to pose a happy picture.

I planned to take the photo of a good looking architectural part of Akins, at first I thought of going outside. Then suddenly it hits me. Most people would go outside and take picture of the facade of Akins. So I change my idea a little bit and take a picture of the inside of Akins that looks welcoming, which is the one near front office. The entrance has so much of pretty lines, warm color, leading hallways, like Akins itself.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Akins, Building, Happy




Choice Sheet

Next year I will be attending UT

Cool Yearbook Spread

Cool Newspaper Website

My Holiday

1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
This winter, I got my passport renewed for my citizenship. It was kind of a boring trip, until we got to Houston's Indonesian Embassy. It was kind of entertaining how my parents was too busy to watch my little brothers because they were filling out information, while my little brother was slapping each other on the face. Of course i told them to stop, but they wouldn't. After that we eat Indonesian food, and whenever I said Indonesian food i meant the one that taste like back home. It was really delicious and all the spices matches the right pitch--how its supposed to be. We took back the left overs and had good time eating it in our house while watching a movie.

2. What are your resolutions for the 2012 year?
I never really had a new years resolution, I never did this tradition back in my country. If I was to say what's my resolution, I would say to find a job (for real) during the summer, don't bother with dramatic people, be myself in front of everyone, try not to get annoyed easily, and finally get at least a grade of 80 for AP English.

3. What are you looking forward to in 2012?
I'm looking for knowledge, entertainment, independence, and friendship this 2012. Knowledge as in studying in school subject, martial arts, and dance. Entertainment as in gaming, movies (The Hunger Games), and books. Independence as in getting a job. Friendship as in getting more friends, because I'm a loner, and getting closer to my best friends.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2011 Interesting Topics

1. What was the best song of 2011?

The dance with white sand in Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" scenes of music videos is very creative and eye catching, especially the effects of sand being splattered everywhere by the dancer's movement; creating a very flowing motion. I think the music video is very creative, artistic and interesting. One of the best dance scene I've seen.

2. What was the best movie of 2011?

The movie snapshot of A Separation (2011) can be represented from one of the movie scene where Nader and Simin are shown to be divided by room walls. The snapshot itself represents a wall in between the marriage, literally and metaphorically. The differences between these couple reminds me of how i have to overcome my differences with a few of my friend. I think this snapshot best represents the movie itself.

3. What was the most important news story of the year?

Strongest quake, of magnitude 8.9, triggers 10 metre-high tsunami that sweeps away homes, vehicles and crops in Japan, 2011. This photograph itself looks unrealistic, just like how the 8.9 earthquake. This fantasy-looking photo is sadly realistic just like the epic catastrophe itself. It's very eye catching because you hardly see Tsunami with your own eyes, especially this one with dark graying blue tone color.

4. Who was the most important person of 2011?

Michelle Obama's fight to prevent child obesity can be shown in this photograph of her. The influence she brings down to White House from physical activity best represented from this green beautiful yard of White House. Beautiful picture just like her cause.

5. What was the biggest sports OR entertainment story OR sports/entertainment person of 2011

The Hunger games trailer. I cannot wait to see this movie this year. It is coming up! The trailer just brings chill down my back. The trailer itself that came up on 2011 is the most awesome entertainment news I've heard. This drawing of Katniss with emblem of the main story focus itself is embodied in this drawing. The green background and her clothing represents the wild. Oh my god, I want to watch this movie. This will be the best movie, because the book is the best book I've read. Even though my favorite character isn't Katniss, I still think that this picture is awesome.

Favorite Photos of the Year

All these photos' emotion ranges from love, painful loss, to apathy. The first one shows respectful love; where one accept a loss, while the last is a contradiction to the first one; where one denies a loss. The second photo is just amazing, a crazy love that everyone dreams, disregard their situation of surroundings. Love has made our memories the most important, these photos represents them and that's why they are my favorite