Wednesday, May 16, 2012

News Brief

The Facts: Travis Logan, senior, first-place winner in visual merchandising at district DECA competition held at Union College two weeks ago. As winner will go to state contest in April. Says "My goal is taking first at state so I qualify for nations in Florida." Other Byrnehurst winners: Dee Contreras, junior, second in written test; Duncan Pfieffer, honorable mention in role play.

Who: Travis Logan
What: wins in visual merchandising at district DECA competition
When: two weeks ago
Where: Union College
Why: to become a national qualifier in Florida
How: by taking first place in state contest held in April

Immediate Identification:
Travis Logan, a senior, takes first place in visual merchandising at district DECA competition two weeks ago at Union College. Travis aims for national qualifier at Florida by winning first place in state contest held in April.

Delayed Identification:
The first place winner in visual merchandising at district DECA competition will be continuing state contest in April. Travis Logan hopes to  reach national qualifier level in Florida after state contest.

Multiple Elements:
Travis Logan, senior, first place winner in visual merchandising, Dee Contreras, junior, second in written test; Duncan Pfieffer, honorable mention in role play compete two weeks ago at district DECA. Meanwhile Logan will go for state contest in April.

Two weeks ago in district DECA competition, Travis Logan, senior, takes first place in visual merchandising. Although he won, his trip for his goal is still long way "My goal is taking first at state so I qualify for nations in Florida." He still has about four more competition up to go. After the state competition held in April, he has national qualifier to take care of. National qualifier has two to three competition that lets you pass, and then Florida there he goes. Will his skill match his goal? We will see and be there next to our Byrnehurst Representative.
Not only Travis made name in our district two weeks ago. Other Byrnehurst winners in this competition such as; Dee Contreras, junior, second in written test; Duncan Pfieffer, honorable mention in role play.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012

Writing a news lead

Who: Michael and Robert Meeropol
What: accept the conclusion that their dad was a spy
When: over the weekend of September 16, 2008
Where: in a separate interviews
Why: they didn't doubt the evidence after fighting for their parents' innocence for around 40 yrs and did not want their childhood's nightmare to visit their children.
How: Shown through government's evidence over their "legal battles to release F.B.I. files" that their parents were framed with

Types of leads: Delayed identification and leads with flair

 "They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union. Then they were whisked from an unwanted limelight to urban anonymity and eventually to suburban obscurity."

Rewritten Lead:

Michael and Robert Meeropol were victims of their parents’ false innocence protest since their orphanage in 1953 when their parents were condemned spies and executed. 

Who: Unidentified owner of an Action Comic No.1
What: The owner will sell his unrestored copy of Superman comic no.1
When: Friday of February 27, 2009
Where: Comic Connect
Why: The original copy of this comic sells high; estimation of $ 400,000 USD. Owner has hope to make a good profit.
How: Let the buyers bid their price for the comic

Type of leads: Summary

"After being hidden away for years, a copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback -- to the tune of about $400,000, a comic expert told CNN Thursday."

Rewritten Lead:

The original and unrestored copy of Superman and friends comics no.1 will be featured in an online auction, Comic Connect, starting Friday Feb 27,2009.

architecture shoot preview


This photo is a close up view of a design using cropping element of photography. The photographer uses telephoto lens.


 The background sunset is located right behind the glass pyramid surrounded by fountain. This light illuminates and create effect towards the pyramid, making it seem to glow.



The circular layered hole creates patterns of circle in a row, like inside a cylinder. Not only the pattern is the circle but its also one third of the circle between each layer is filled with patterns of rectangle surrounding the circle.



 The bridge's cords or supporting wire makes different angles that all point towards the top of the entrance of the bridge. Photographer uses symmetrical pattern in this photograph, not only that but also leading lines. These leading lines create unique angles.


This building is surrounded around by different tone color of green from dark to light. The illumination of light also help with the blend of this building's surrounding.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Architecture preview

National Centre for the Performing Arts, China

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Paul Andreu
2. When was it built? December 2001-July 2007
3. Where is it located? No.2 West Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? Public (opera house)
the-water-drop-building-interior-in-beijing-china5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? 3.2 billion CNY
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? "Paul Andreu countered that although there is indeed value in ancient traditional Chinese architecture, Beijing must also include modern architecture, as the capital of the country and an international city of great importance. His design, with large open space, water, trees, was specially designed to complement the red walls of ancient buildings and the Great Hall of the People, in order to melt into the surroundings as opposed to standing out against them."
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this building because of the modern looking architecture facade that has a very warming interior design. It also looks like an egg (food). I like eggs. This building change my perspective of China. I've seen the building style in China and it certainly does not have many modern style.

Burj Al Arab

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Tom Wright of Atkins
2. When was it built?
Construction began in 1994 and was opened later in december 1999
3. Where is it located?
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
a public hotel
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
650 million USD
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
Tom Wright's client want the hotel to be an iconic symbol for the city Dubai.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
The shape of this hotel is very creative and fun. I picked this hotel because of it's exterior shape and choice of location. I wanted to see the interior of the building to see what it looks like inside. This hotel seem like a major attraction to visit Dubai and enjoy the pretty view of the sea. I love how they surround the hotel with body of water and make this hotel look like a sailing ship.

Sculptured House, USA

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Charles Utter Deaton 
2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?
Genesee Mountain, Jefferson County, Colorado 
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
a private housing 
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
Over 5.5 million dollars 
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
Charles said "On Genesee Mountain I found a high point of land where I could stand and feel the great reaches of the Earth. I wanted the shape of it to sing an unencumbered song." 
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
This building makes me wonder about the insulation of the house. Do they need double glass doors to keep the heat inside? The location of this building is at a high top of a mountain and it must be very cold, while the glass is a type of insulator doesn't really help keeping the heat inside the house. Mainly i was attracted to pick this building because it looks fictional.


Turning Torso, Sweden

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Santiago Calatrava

2. When was it built?
Construction started in the February of 2001 and it was completed in 2006

3. Where is it located?

Malmo, Sweden
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
a residential building

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
Budget was originally mentioned to be 550 millions swedish crowns but figures such as 850 millions have been mentioned but others say the bill ended at 1.5 billion swedish crowns

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
The re-establishment of a recognizable skyline symbol of Malmo's blue collar roots since the removal of Kockurns Crane in 2002.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
The design of it reminds me of a tornado. The pentagon base being rotated as the height of it increases make this residential building look unique and interesting. I was wondering how they balance Turning Torso up. Was it hard to calculate the slope vector of it's rotation?

Guggenheim Museum, Spain

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? 
Frank Gehry

2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?

Abando, Bilbao, Spain

4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
A pubic art museum of modern and contemporary art

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
100 million to construct it, another 20 million was invested in it's endowment, then was increased to 118  million dollars due to it's success.

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
Basque government suggested Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation that it would fund a museum to be built in Bilbao. Foundation selected Frank Gehry as an architect and Thomas Krens as it's director. Krens encouraged Gehry to design something daring and innovative.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
The museum's exterior design is just brilliant. Gehry manages to design something extraordinary with a curvy facade that appear random while it catches the light and visitors.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Elements of News







Human interest:

5 Ws and the H

Pilot sends plane into dive after mistaking Venus for oncoming plane

Who? First officer pilot
Who is involved? Everybody in the airplane including all the pilots, flight attendants, and passengers
Who does/did the situation affect? Passengers, pilots, airline company.
Who said so? A reporter, passengers, pilots.

What? Plane dived
What is happening? People are getting injured by hitting the ceiling, laptops and glasses went flying out of passenger's hand too.
What did happen? Pilot mistook the planet Venus as an incoming plane.
What are the consequences? Injuries, and perhaps lawsuit.
What is different about this? Increases statistic of incidents on airplane with "fatigue-related performances" on  "North American-based pilots flying eastbound at night towards Europe".
What are the choices? Passengers wear seat belt while seating in airplane.

When? January 14, 2011.
When did or will this happen? After first officer pilot's 75minutes nap.
When was this discovered? Undeclared, though it would be the first time they talk through radio intercom about the situation.

Where? An airplane.
Where did or will this happen? Flight 878 from Toronto to Zurich, Switzerland.

Why? First officer pilot thought the planet Venus was an incoming cargo plane.
Why did this happen or will it happen? He just woke up and felt disoriented from a 75minutes nap feeling unwell.

How? First officer dive the plane 600feet below
How did it or will it happen? First officer pilot initiated a dive to avoid the perceived imminent collision. The captain saw what was happening and immediately pulled back on the control column in a frantic attempt to increase altitude to 1100feet above and back to their normal altitude of 35,000.
How much does it cost? Unknown.
How many people does this affect? 103 people.
How do you feel about this? Passengers need to wear seat belt, pilots need timeout of 10 minutes after nap and not touch anything.

Police handcuff 6-year-old student in Georgia

Who? A police and Salecia Johnson
Who is involved? Police officer, a 6 years old student and her family, school principal.
Who does/did the situation affect? Student's family, and police's procedures.
Who said so? Reporter.

What? Creekside Elementary School called the police for an unruly juvenile
What is happening? She was assaulting the principal while damaging property.
What did happen? An officer handcuffed a 6 year old student for safety purposes.
What are the consequences? Charges for assault and property damages.
What is different about this? The charges was for a 6 year old student, and was dropped later on because of her age.
What are the choices? Putting her in juvenile.

When? Friday, April 13 2012.
When did or will this happen? After principal called the police.
When was this discovered? After entering the principal's office and asking the child to calm down.

Where? Inside Creekside Elementary School's principal's office.
Where did or will this happen? They handcuffed her and brought her downtown.

Why? The child "pulled away and began actively resisting and fighting with" the police officer whenever he tried in several attempt to calm the girl.
Why did this happen or will it happen? "The child was then placed in handcuffs for her safety and the officer proceeded to bring her down to the police station,"

How? officer handcuffed a girl despising her age, brought her downtown afterwards to follow procedure.
How did it or will it happen? Failure attempt to call the parents.
How much does it cost? The girl's freedom to learn until August(suspension).
How many people does this affect? Selicia's parents, school, police officers.
How do you feel about this? They should have a procedure towards children's arrest, then widely state this procedure to agree with parents' point of view.

Austin Fisher will walk: Under media pressure, Carrollton superintendent reverses decision

Who? Austin Fisher
Who is involved? The student Austin Fisher, the community, school's superintendent and staff, and Teri Fisher
Who does/did the situation affect? Austin.
Who said so? School's decision.

What? Austin had two too many absences.
What is happening? Austin is able to walk on graduation because the school's decision was under media's pressure
What did happen? He was banned from graduation's walk.
What are the consequences? School's reputation was in the line.
What is different about this? all of Austin Fisher's absences were the result of Fisher's caring for his mother, Teri Fisher, who was battling Stage IV cancer in fall 2011.
What are the choices? Austin's ban from graduation walk and he was barred from attending traditional graduation activities such as prom.

When? Monday, April 16 2012
When did or will this happen? Their decision was going to be on Tuesday, April 17 2012.
When was this discovered? Friday, April 13 2012.

Where? the Carrollton (Ohio) School District.
Where did or will this happen? a scheduled school board meeting.

Why? reverse of Austin's principal's decision.
Why did this happen or will it happen? National attention of their pep rally.

How? The situation reached local and national attention.
How did it or will it happen? School's superintendent overrule principal's decision.
How much does it cost? School's and maybe the district's reputation.
How many people does this affect? Austin and his grandmother.
How do you feel about this? Every student that was ban from graduation, suspension, or any form of situation need their staff to talk with the students alone. The conversation will have to question why they have been in that situation and how it can be reversed due to special situations.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Student of the Month Interview

Assignment #2:

What's your name? Fransisco De La Rosa
What grade are you in? 11th grade
Do you have to be smart to be student of the month? Yes, you should be smart and involved in activities.
What makes you student of the month? Getting good grades, and being involved in school.
What achievements have you reach? Trustee awards, mostly grade awards.
What's your future goal? Graduating out of high school and into college.
What's your view of this honor? Living up to it. It feels as if i am expected to do more.
How did you get here so far? Take hard classes at first, then keep up with your grade while you are involved.
Will you be continuing study after high school? If yes, what university/college are you aiming for? Yes, University of Texas at Austin or Texas State at San Marcos.
What do you want to be in the future? A musician; classical guitarist and rock n' roll.
How did you dream to become (insert career)? When i first pick up the guitar, I feel it; i just know. I have ear of a musician and natural talent for music.
How far are you from your career goals? Very far, it takes years. It depends on how fast the student learn .
What's your other goal(s) outside of education? Nothing. I tried doing other things, but music is something I love. I might minor in history, I love history.
What's your hobby? Playing my guitar, skateboarding and i used to play all kinds of sport.
What's your motive(s) and life quote(s), if you have one? Feel the music for other people and bring smile.
Are you naturally smart or do you study hard? Do you have a private tutor? Not naturally smart, I study hard. I have a private tutor for elective classes wise.
What schools did you attend? Yes, include Pre-K if possible. I used to live in El Paso, i attended Vista Del Sol Elementary School, and Parades Middle School, i didn't go to any Pre-K.
What's your life after school? Do you attend clubs? I'm in music club, i practice and study.
What and how do you use most of your time? Studying music and classes.
Are you employed? If yes, what's your current job? No, I am unemployed but I should get a job in order to earn more money to buy a better guitar.

Interview Assignment #1

Assignment #1:

Topic: School Uniforms

The school board has decided to create a district wide policy of enforcing school uniforms. Who would you need to interview to find out more information about this topic? What are some good questions to ask? (This is theoretical)

1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.

School Principal, Assistant Principal, Superintendent.

2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog. It will be the same 20 questions for each, so you only have to think of 20 total questions.

What's your name and what's your view towards the policy?
What's the purpose of this new school uniforms?
When will this new policy be enforce upon?
Who propose the policy?
Could you describe how does the new uniform will look like?
Will the school sell the uniform or will you be able to buy them from local store?
How do you think this will affect the school, more precisely the student body and staff?
Do you think the students will wear the new uniform?
How are you going to enforce it?
Will the new policy be enforce upon strictly?
What's the consequences of not following the new upcoming policy?
Are you completely in with the new school uniform or is there a particular issue you disagree with?
How much is the cost estimation of the new uniform?
Do you think students with financial problems will be able to pay them?
And if they aren't able to, what kind of step will the school/school board take step to help the ones in need?
What's the color of the new uniform for the top and the bottom?
Is there a particular brand?
What's the issue with the ban of certain color to wear?
What's your prediction of students' reaction?
If this new policy doesn't work, what will happen?
Do you have anything to say?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


1. Watch any four of the Runner-up videos, and answer the following on your blog:
Name of photographer -Alyssa Schukar
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- stories
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio - using same lens at same distance create similarities of pedantic emotions, pessimistic dark pictures, no strong symbols
List two things the judges like-basketball celebration, the falling girl.
What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
I agree with the judges except whenever he said he liked one of the picture of a girl. I disagree because there was nothing much in it. It looked very unprofessional.

Name of photographer - Travis Haughton
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- photoj
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio -too tight, cropping, head covering/head not showing.
List two things the judges like-the sport pictures, gymnastics's picture with different leveling.
What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
Judges are very giggly and mostly like the sports or action pictures. I don't like how they like to make fun of the pictures.

Name of photographer -Nick Adams
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)-photoj and story
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio - tight pictures, too common subjects; kids, boring pictures.
List two things the judges like- silhouettes and the effort of new things.
What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
Judges are rude to say "thank god" at the end. I like how the person take different light angles of the pictures and try to get creative at some points.

Name of photographer - Josh Birnbaum
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)-story and photoj
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio - not right moment, secondary photos on the story section, unrelated photos in the story section.
List two things the judges like- the humor of the photos
What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
Judges seems to be immature but very picky. I do not like the theme of photos, it was off.

2. Watch the winning portfolio critique (Dustin Snipes), and post the following:

What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it? nice color confrontation, good angle, good subject emotion good moment.

What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses? He has good ideas for set up photos, good angle, and nice Photoshop skill. Sometimes he overdo the Photoshop.

3. Watch the contest recap video.

Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.
They shortly describe of strength or weakness critique while voice overlapping each other and deciding which one is the best.

Action Photo Shot

Action Photo1-moving towards
David Rodriguez slowly picks up his pace to pass the football to Kitty Moreno. Although David didn't want to sprint fast enough towards the basketball field, I got a clear shot of his smile.

 Action Photo2-side view
 David dashes across the grasses as he pass New Tech building. His object was just for a show.

Action Photo3-Panning
As his arm swing, David threw the football towards Kitty Moreno by Akins' cafeteria. The football was hard to throw because it was somehow flat.

Action Photo4-creative blurr
 Kitty Moreno spins around crazily near the basketball court. I moved around Kitty in this shot to get the background with a speed blur effect.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Caption and Evaluation Practice

 Caption Practice

Who: An unknown riot protestor
What: holding bottle of flammable liquid lit on fire
Where: Puerto Rico
When: Monday
Why: Outraged by the court's decision against a child molester
How: Starting a riot during protest

Flame didn't fire the crowd away

This Monday in Puerto Rico, an unknown masked protestor is attempting to start a riot during a protest by throwing a lit bottle of flammable liquid. Crowds were outraged by court's decision to put a child molester under minimum sentence.


This photo has the photography rules of pattern, balancing elements, viewpoint and background. The event of firing floating lanterns in Thailand creates balancing elements of main theme color similar to sunset orange. The pattern of floating lanterns create a background of beautiful illuminating color, while the photographer took this point at an angled point. This viewpoint gives effect of freedom as if from one of the floating lantern itself, being fired.

This photo contains photography's rule of third, balancing elements, cropping, mergers, and background. The photographer took the center of the gold miner's head on top right, one third distance of the whole photo. The color of gold covers his face, background, and shirt, creating a balancing theme color. Not only the photographer crops the subject's face away from the background by only focusing his face, he avoided mergers and blurred background in order to exaggerate the gold color theme.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Touching Strangers

1. What do you think about this project and photo essay?I think that this project and photo essay is very funny, awkward, interesting, creepy, and creative.

2. What would you do if someone approached you with a camera and asked you to participate in a photo shoot and then asked you to touch a stranger?
I would most likely be excited to participate in a photo shoot until i got asked to touch strangers, I would gladly decline the offer after hearing the project.

3. Think of an unusual photo shoot similar to this one that you think would be fun to go and shoot.
Ask strangers to fight each other... and take a photo of them.

4. Finally, tell me what you thought of the photography, did the photographer think about the rules of photography that you know about? What types of photos did he take?
The photographer took environmental or casual type of photography, mostly use simplicity, avoiding mergers, cropping, and lines.

Yearbook Spread

Monday, March 19, 2012

Japanese Earthquake

 Whenever I see this picture, I thought she was crying because of grief. In actual, she was crying after they rescued her mother from the aftermath of tsunami, even tears of joy can look devastating in any picture. The photographer uses photography composition of avoiding mergers, simplicity, lines, and background.
 This photo looks very sad and gloomy to me because of the balance between the background of burned down house and the crying woman. Photographer uses composition of cropping, lines, and balancing elements.
The black colored tsunami that's as tall as the road signs and lights makes me feel scared. This photo is an eye catcher not only because of how scary it looks but the composition of photography. The photographer successfully implemented the composition of leading lines, balance, and depth.

Newspaper jpeg

Monday, February 27, 2012

Newspaper notes

2 types of newspaper size:
  • broadsheet
  • tabloid (half of broadsheet)
Front page
  • Teaser: a quick view of the main part of a story in newspaper that attracts reader to read the continuous full story at a directed page.
  • Folio: location of newspaper base, motto, and date.
  • Masted/Flag: the name of the paper, the signature of newspaper industry.
  • Headline: Tells you the main information of newspaper.
  • Sub headline
  • Pictures
  • Story
  • Bi-line: writer's name and position
  • Caption: include caption headline, bi-line, the captions.
  • Info-graphics: additional information that's unnecessary.
  • table of contents
  • Volume and issue number
Staff-box: disclaimer/staff policy (must be included in any page)

Front Pages of the World

What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why?
TBT*, published in St. Petersburg, Florida USA. 
Their front page photograph is hilarious and eye catching.

What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it?
It interests me to read about the unknown they want to stop.

How many stories are on the front page of your favorite?
None, they're all just headlines, this newspaper looks like magazine cover. Adding more eye catcher there.

What do you  notice that all newspaper front pages have in common?
Photos, headline, quick overview of some possible interesting stories in the newspaper that can act as an eye catcher, directing page, newspaper brand.

What are things that vary on the front pages of different newspapers?
The format, headlines, photos, stories, advertisements.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Yearbook Introduction

School name: Alamo Heights High School

School location, exact location: 6900 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209

School size: Not shown

How many pages is the book? 344+

How many sections are in the book? 7

List the sections in the book. Student Life, Academics, Organizations, Sports, Individuals, Senior Ads, Index

What sports are played at that school? Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Water Polo, Tennis, Swimming, Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Baseball, Track, Golf, Band, Jazz Dance, Cheerleader.

Give me a list of some of the clubs a student could join at that school? Choir, Sinfonetta, Student Council, JROTC, NHS, Spanish NHS, Mu Aplha Theta, Los Amigos, AFS, French Club, Latin Club, Missions Club, Destination Imagination, Library Club, FCCLA, TWA, Young Democrats, Young Republicans, Xtreme Heights, Guitar Club, Drama Club, Aikido Club, Ultimate Frisbee Organization, Paintball, Engineering, Book Club, Robotics Team, Special Olympics, Random Acst of Kindness, Quill and Scroll, Environmental Club, Create a Home, World Affairs, Hunger Awareness, Debate Team, CAUSE, Interact, Photojournalism, Hoof Print, Olmos.

What are the school colors? Blue, White, and Red

What is the theme of the book? a Face in the crowd

What thematic elements are present throughout the book? emotions, memories, faces.

How many years has the book been published? 72 years

Who is the editor-in-chief of the book? Katherine Kingman and Jennifer McCaleb

Who is the advisor? Katie Brewer and Abby Davis

What  is your favorite spread in the book? popular TV episode spread.

What do you like about this book? The informations and the book cover.

What would you change if you were working on that book? Some of the spread, it doesn't match while being next to each other using different theme colors.

Would you like to go to that school? Yes i would like to go to their school.

Why would you or would you not like to go to that school? It seems very fun, they have good clubs and sports.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Early magazine covers are models after book covers, providing title, publication dates, decorative illustration that can be symbolic, and no content description. This type of magazine sometimes may not have a cover at all to show the content of the inside. The no-cover idea bring about the question if magazines for the next century should have a cover lines.

The poster cover was based from the Art Norveau movement of crafting artistic posters, in which graphic design and excellent photographs dominate the whole cover. The poster cover isn't just called poster cover because of the graphic design and photographs, but the size of these cover is big enough to be hung on the wall like a poster. The photographs presented on the cover is not related to the content at all, it just convey a season or general mood.

Pictures married to text usually consist of a photograph with it's background written across by content description while the main subject of the photo pops out. Cover lines are strong, large, loud, colorful that compete with other magazines. These types of poster is still being used today and very competitive. The mood or the tone of the color describe the magazine as a whole.

In the forest of words' magazine cover history started by the magazine Mademoiselle and it has evolve in many creative ways but the general movement of the magazine cover path is now based on artistic poster cover that shows the intense photography with a large number of vivid cover lines. The large vivid cover line itself may be bigger in size than the magazine's name and usually overlaps the subject of cover photography.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Akins,Happy,Building Photoshop


I picked this photo because of the rules that's in it, also because of the good lightning. When someone tells me to use a photo of building, I think of using the repetition pattern that makes leading line on portable areas.


 This is the only picture that represents happy at the time i took. Whenever i had to crop it, I noticed the shadow from hallway lightning itself had already crop the photo and i didn't want to ruin the magic by not cropping it this way. This is one of my friend that I met by hallway, so I asked her to pose a happy picture.

I planned to take the photo of a good looking architectural part of Akins, at first I thought of going outside. Then suddenly it hits me. Most people would go outside and take picture of the facade of Akins. So I change my idea a little bit and take a picture of the inside of Akins that looks welcoming, which is the one near front office. The entrance has so much of pretty lines, warm color, leading hallways, like Akins itself.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Akins, Building, Happy




Choice Sheet

Next year I will be attending UT

Cool Yearbook Spread

Cool Newspaper Website

My Holiday

1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
This winter, I got my passport renewed for my citizenship. It was kind of a boring trip, until we got to Houston's Indonesian Embassy. It was kind of entertaining how my parents was too busy to watch my little brothers because they were filling out information, while my little brother was slapping each other on the face. Of course i told them to stop, but they wouldn't. After that we eat Indonesian food, and whenever I said Indonesian food i meant the one that taste like back home. It was really delicious and all the spices matches the right pitch--how its supposed to be. We took back the left overs and had good time eating it in our house while watching a movie.

2. What are your resolutions for the 2012 year?
I never really had a new years resolution, I never did this tradition back in my country. If I was to say what's my resolution, I would say to find a job (for real) during the summer, don't bother with dramatic people, be myself in front of everyone, try not to get annoyed easily, and finally get at least a grade of 80 for AP English.

3. What are you looking forward to in 2012?
I'm looking for knowledge, entertainment, independence, and friendship this 2012. Knowledge as in studying in school subject, martial arts, and dance. Entertainment as in gaming, movies (The Hunger Games), and books. Independence as in getting a job. Friendship as in getting more friends, because I'm a loner, and getting closer to my best friends.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2011 Interesting Topics

1. What was the best song of 2011?

The dance with white sand in Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" scenes of music videos is very creative and eye catching, especially the effects of sand being splattered everywhere by the dancer's movement; creating a very flowing motion. I think the music video is very creative, artistic and interesting. One of the best dance scene I've seen.

2. What was the best movie of 2011?

The movie snapshot of A Separation (2011) can be represented from one of the movie scene where Nader and Simin are shown to be divided by room walls. The snapshot itself represents a wall in between the marriage, literally and metaphorically. The differences between these couple reminds me of how i have to overcome my differences with a few of my friend. I think this snapshot best represents the movie itself.

3. What was the most important news story of the year?

Strongest quake, of magnitude 8.9, triggers 10 metre-high tsunami that sweeps away homes, vehicles and crops in Japan, 2011. This photograph itself looks unrealistic, just like how the 8.9 earthquake. This fantasy-looking photo is sadly realistic just like the epic catastrophe itself. It's very eye catching because you hardly see Tsunami with your own eyes, especially this one with dark graying blue tone color.

4. Who was the most important person of 2011?

Michelle Obama's fight to prevent child obesity can be shown in this photograph of her. The influence she brings down to White House from physical activity best represented from this green beautiful yard of White House. Beautiful picture just like her cause.

5. What was the biggest sports OR entertainment story OR sports/entertainment person of 2011

The Hunger games trailer. I cannot wait to see this movie this year. It is coming up! The trailer just brings chill down my back. The trailer itself that came up on 2011 is the most awesome entertainment news I've heard. This drawing of Katniss with emblem of the main story focus itself is embodied in this drawing. The green background and her clothing represents the wild. Oh my god, I want to watch this movie. This will be the best movie, because the book is the best book I've read. Even though my favorite character isn't Katniss, I still think that this picture is awesome.

Favorite Photos of the Year

All these photos' emotion ranges from love, painful loss, to apathy. The first one shows respectful love; where one accept a loss, while the last is a contradiction to the first one; where one denies a loss. The second photo is just amazing, a crazy love that everyone dreams, disregard their situation of surroundings. Love has made our memories the most important, these photos represents them and that's why they are my favorite